Just whistle to him. He...
Don't worry. You'll see him tomorrow.
If they don't get here in five minutes,
we go without them.
- I'm sorry. Sorry, I'm late.
- What's this? We don't need this.
- It's not a prop. I was beaten.
- Beaten?
By the cops?
No. Oswald.
The guy we stole the camera from.
I ran into him and his brother.
They broke my arm.
- For stealing a camera?
- It was a good camera.
This is a disaster. What are those?
...bitar... Bitartrate.
They're bullshit! I've taken bunches,
and they don't do shit.
You took bunches of these?
What's wrong with you?
You wanna go into a coma?
Are you telling me
I don't love my own son?
- He's out. Get him out of here.
- No, we can't do the job without him.
- He's useless! Look at him!
- I'll take him home.
What? We've gotta leave for the job.
I've been meaning
to tell you something.
You're not cutting me out!
You or any of you.
I'm clean enough to go to the cops.
I'm clean enough to go on this job,
aren't I? Aren't I?
- You wouldn't. You wouldn't dare.
- You try me.
- Where the fuck hell is Leon?!
- I'll cut you, boy. I'll cut you good!
Wait! You don't understand.
She was a beautiful flower,
and you plucked her.
- I'll make you bleed.
- Listen to me. I love her.
- No. No. No.
- We wanna get married.
She's already engaged!
And not to a goddamned dirty thief!