How the fucking hell should I know?
Just seven...
It's 8am, Sunday morning.
I hope my side of the bed
didn't get taken up Saturday night.
Nell, you'll give yourself an ulcer,
you keep worrying about her.
Might get my ass
sent back to Rhody, though.
There's plenty of dollies outside
of Rhode Island, Nell. Many plenty.
- Well, there sure as shit ain't any here.
- Ain't that the truth.
That's cos they're all in Daytona Beach.
The most beautiful women in the world.
This one time, before the war,
I'm lyin' on the beach and this sweet little
thing named Molly comes out the water.
She walks straight up to me
and asks me if I'm hungry...
cos she's havin' a weenie roast.
Shit! Damn.
Yeah, me and Molly, oh boy.
Now I'm on Saipan with this
giant Zippo strapped to my back
and I'm roastin' human beings.
Why I volunteered... beyond me.
Damn, I'm proud to be here.
My whole family's been in the Corps.
My old man, he's a lifer.
An ass-kicker on the land and on the sea.
Around the house too.
Maybe now he'll back off.
Pappas, I...
I want you to do me a favor.
If anything should happen to me,
you make sure that my wife gets this.
I mean, she picked them out and all.