Of course, one Sunday I forgot.
They punished me by tying me
to the radiator in the basement.
For two days.
I think I was eight too.
Well, they're sure
lettin' you talk Navajo now.
You know, when this is over, maybe
you should come out to Navajo country.
Monument Valley is a beautiful place.
It's peaceful.
You know, we could do some things
that you don't do in the Corps.
Like ride horses, eat fry bread,
do some hunting...
I don't know.
It's a pretty long drive to Arizona.
But it might be worth it.
You know, you could meet my son.
And he could meet Joe Enders,
the guy who watched
over Daddy's scrawny ass.
You must be a very good father, Ben.
Ben. You know,
you've never called me that before.
Enders. What kind of name
is that anyway?
It's ltalian. Used to be Endrolfini before
some asshole at Ellis Island got hold of it.
Captain needs to code a message
back to command post.
You the Indian?
Yeah, I'm the Indian.
It's just a few minutes' drive.
We'll get you back in no time.