"Oneg, if you do the pilot,
i'll be a parachooper. "
- Is Oneg his real name?
- I swear! It's too cute.
In the tibetan buddism
it's a good name to have.
I almost forgot,
i brought some movies,
hope you like them.
Adams, check if there is some
tibetan movie for you.
Give it to me.
"Stand by me"?
Where is "Fuck me 2"
and "horny Mission 3"?
I need you.
Stand ease.
It's all garbage!
Tell him the kitchen is closed.
- What's missing?
- What doesn't it missing!
There is nothing fresh,
a part from some chiken.
Just boxes and they all stinks.
Prepare for him a sushi of meat,
He likes it very much.
Everything is going to be all right.
Hadad, open ten boxes
of meat, Sasi, warm the water.
It's going to be all right, go.
Wait, do you want to help?
Get some aromatic grass.
Hadad, move your ass.
Did you know that 2 years ago
i travested myself as a rabbit?
You should see the pictures!
With the ears like this.
Shit, what are you doing here?
Please verify that at the check point
they aren't masturbating themselves.
I'm serious.