The Notary's son!
Good God!
In this house!
We are both in trouble.
That sounds beautiful.
Consider it yours,
if I remain in service here.
- Well, I'll try...
- You'll get this later.
Remember, if you betray me,
you'll be an easy target from my tower.
One bang and Papkin
is stretched out flat.
Out of respect for me,
put your threat aside,
- and I shall act as you wish.
- Don't waste time.
I'm going, I'm going...
It's a devilish bind. Poverty beckons
and my captive is also my rival.
Any way you look,
it's dreadful.
One would lock me up, the
other shoot me. The hell with them!
- And the purse?
- It must stay.
- Are you sure?
- Yes.
Oh dear God,
what are you doing here?
I should despair,
if I only had the time!
- What is going on?
- Don't act stupid.
I know everything.
I was listening.
- You want to stay here?
- What's wrong with that?
- Be sensible.
- Why should I?
We've already seen
that being sensible
will only keep us apart.
Why stay sensible?
We have to think of something
that will bring us together.
Let's take a bold step forward
and reach for our goal