How he begged for help.
I could hardly keep
from laughing.
But I must be patient,
this game has only started,
and is not yet won.
You are the morning dew
that restores life
to the withering desert lily
as it lifts its fertile face
to the shimmering azure sky.
Oh my gracious,
honey-lipped Klara.
I was close to fading,
until your gaze revived me.
May the gods allow me
to bow at the altar of your passion
before time wields
her lonely scythe.
It's an honor to have
a master of rhyme and military art
for a husband.
But these days young men
flatter to seduce us.
I'm not that gullible.
Good Heavens,
do I have to
take an oath to prove
I love one so beautiful as you?
Even an oath cannot guarantee
your constancy.
May the flower of your love
send its delicate roots
- deep into my fertile heart.
- In the old days,
a true knight won his
wreath of glory
before declaring his love.
He fought for the honor of his
beloved and only when he won,