Sir, I think it's time we tried
something new.
These guys aren't ours.
Who are they? CIA?
No, civilians. Convicts, mercs,
contract killers.
The best and brightest
of the bottom of the barrel.
! They're the scum of the earth.
! Programmable, expendable, effective.
I think it's our best shot.
Do we want to drop another
mouse in the snake pit?
Or send our own snake
and let him crawl in?
Sacramento, California
Come on, Pepe. This is unbelievable.
Well, it's about time. Now, listen...
Were you coming from Tijuana?
I don't mean to be rude.
Keep it out of the sun.
I don't want the paint to fade.
Do you understand English?
I pay enough for you people.
Come on, Janelle.
You're gonna love this place.
! Dick, how are you?
! This is Janelle.
! Call 91 1.
! Who's driving my car?
Senator Hotchkiss!
California state Senate!
Listen, somebody just stole my car!