! Well done, Mr. Cage.
! Who the hell are you?
The name's Gibbons. Augustus Gibbons.
You seem upset. Is there a problem?
! What is this place?
! Looks like a diner.
That's clever.
You almost had me going there
for a while.
I was a bit groggy before,
then I started noticing things.
Like, you got a stockbroker over here,
all dressed up...
...reading the Financial Times
on Sunday when the market's closed.
Unlikely, but okay, I can go with that.
I could even go with the stick! Up man
packing a cop! Issue Beretta.
But you want to know where you blew it?
With her.
My aunt was in the restaurant business.
There's no way a career waitress
comes to work in high heels.
She'd have blisters
the size of pancakes.
And if she ain't real, then this whole
thing ain't real.
That's how I knew that this bozo
wouldn't get a shot off...
...even if we waited
till St. Patrick's Day.
Because there's nothing but blanks
in these guns.
Oh, and no offense...
...but their performances were terrible.
That's good. That's very good.
It's your turn, pretty boy.
! What the hell is going on here?
! Lt was a test that you aced.
! He seems to have a poor attitude.
! Excuse me?
! Should we throw him back?
! Hell, no. I love his attitude.
Let's take this to the next level.
Get on the Sat! Com.
Take what to the next level?
! Yo! Take what?
! I want everybody out in 1 0 minutes.