Relax, X, you just graduated
at the head of your class.
What are you talking about?
You almost got us killed.
! We knew the army was moving.
! Excuse me?
It was my idea to send you as
a decoy. How do you like that?
! You're pretty fast for an old man.
! Get up.
Walk with me.
I believe under the right
circumstances, a man can change.
For instance, last night you exhibited
courage, leadership...
...and willingness to protect
a man you hardly knew.
! So give me a medal.
! I'd rather give you a job.
Look at me. Do I look like a fan
of law enforcement?
This is your lucky day, Xander.
This is your chance
to pay your Uncle Sam...
...for all your wonderful freedoms.
The job's not that difficult.
I want you to meet people and
find out what you can about them.
What type of people?
Dangerous, dirty, tattooed,
uncivilized. Your kind of people.
Hold up.
My kind of people would say,
"Kiss my ass, scarface."
Usually I'd take my gun,
press it to your temple...
...and ask you very politely
to do what I want.
But you're not afraid of death.
That puts us in a quandary.
! We better call this a day, then.
! Not just yet.
You ever watch lions at the zoo?
You can tell which were captured
in the wild by the look in their eyes.
The wild cat.
She remembers running across the plain,
the thrill of the hunt.
Four hundred pounds of killing fury
locked in a box.
But after a while,
their eyes glaze over...
...and you can tell
their soul has died.