Bring him outside.
I will do the rest.
What was that, your boyfriend?
Let's say you are
who you say you are.
! What can you do for me?
! What do you want?
I want immunity from prosecution,
asylum in the U.S. and citizenship.
How about a condo on South Beach
and a rich boyfriend?
Those I can get for myself.
! What do you want?
! I need to know more about Anarchy 99.
You want to know about Anarchy 99?
You've seen the girls,
the clubs, the parties.
What you don't see
is what goes on during the day.
There's been a lot of activity in the
last year. People coming in and out.
! Russian scientists.
! Well, what are they up to?
They go in the basement
and I'm not allowed in.
Now's a good time for you
to get invited.
Yorgi knows you're an agent.
Kirill is waiting with his rifle.
! Where!!?
! Don't look!
There's a back door.
They'll know you warned me.
If you go out the front,
he'll put a bullet in your eye.
! You still packing?
! Always.
Get ready to use it.
! What's your plan?
! He's still in love with you.
! He'll wait for a clear shot.
! That's your plan? Thank you. Great.