Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
You already broke me.
No need to get cruel and unusual.
A ticket? Now, that's funny.
! Where am I going to go now?
! Home.
Your cover's blown.
You're not useful.
That's it? I'm done?
No tricks. We have enough intel
to move forward.
! With what?
! Sweeper team: quick, clean, effective.
Don't worry about it.
It'll all be over soon.
You mean a sweeper team
to come in and kill everybody?
Not all of them are as bad
as you think.
You had to shoot a cop. How
"not as bad as I think" could they be?
Okay, look.
We've got a complication.
There's a girl. Yelena.
There's always a girl.
She wants out and I sent her back in
to get more intel for you.
There's no time to play favorites.
The cards have been dealt.
What do you mean
the cards have been dealt?
You don't even know her, man.
Oh, by the way, that bank number
you gave us?
Your friends and Yelena have made
some large cash transfers...
...to a group of Russian scientists
known to specialize and traffic...
...in biological weapons.
! She had nothing to do with it.
! Go home.
! She ain't!!!
! That's an order.
How's it going?
Life is shit!