
Guys. I need a helicopter.
I need transportation.
I need a!!

X, there you are.
I gave you everything you wanted.

This thing will damn near fly now.
You screwed me.
Gibbons didn't authorize this.

He'll hang us both out to dry.
! Agent Shavers.
! Yeah?

I'm going to give you
a field promotion.

Take over, finish the mop! Up.
You're in charge.

Yes, sir! I'm the man for the job!
I won't let you down!

Wait! Wait! Wait!
Almost forgot the manual. You'll need

Hey, X. Go kick some ass.
That thing must be going 80 mph!
How do we stop it?!

We can't! The controls
are on the bubble panel.

! You see it?
! Yeah.

The hard drive's in there!
You got the manual. See if Shavers
put in anything we could use.

! He's got very bad handwriting.
! Come on!

Flame throwers, mini! Bombs, exploding
hubcaps, rocket launchers!

This is a tank.
You can't use any of it on Ahab.

Silent Night only breaks down
in deep water.

! I'll have to get on it!
! What?

I'll have to get on it.
Our surveillance puts Ahab
22 minutes outside of Prague.
