Underwear bins?
My fiance has informed me...
that he bought a pair of
dirty women's underwear...
out of one of your bins...
and I wanted to hear
your thoughts on this.
My thoughts?
On our underwear bins?
These are my thoughts.
I'm sick of it.
It's some college kids
playing a prank.
They been putting
dirty underwear in our bins.
- What?
- What did he say?
On behalf of Spend Mart,
I'd like to apologize.
Why don't you have
your fiance come down...
and we'll exchange them
for a fresh pair...
or refund your money. OK?
Poor bastard.
Underwear bins?
It's a guy thing.
God, I am really sorry.
I feel terrible.
It's OK, honey.
I am a terrible person
for accusing you.
No, you are so honest.
I don't deserve you.
Thank you.
I love them.
I knew you would.
Let's just forget about it.
Let's pretend it never happened.
I love you, you love me,
that's all that matters.
One sec!
I got home from work...
and found these pictures
in my son's room.
He was standing over them.
Are we on the same page?
Don't speak!
In the future,
would you find a way...
to dispose of
your pornography...