Be quiet.
Be still.
- It isn't here.
- Where is it?
- Where's what?
- What you printed off your computer.
It was a shopping list.
I threw it away.
Listen to me very carefully.
Tell me what I want to know.
- Screw you!
- Where is it?
Where's what?
I called Scott and read it
to him over the phone.
- What was it?
- Some numbers.
They were only numbers.
They're with you.
You're wasting your time.
I deleted it.
That 's too bad.
- I want to speak to you.
- Yes, Sir.
What would happen if...
Scott took the second part of
the cure before he hit stage two?
It wouldn't work.
If we could get him and the
second part of the cure...
before he becomes stage two.
- Could you produce the cure?
- I believe so.
Why would you do that?
I'm only exploring options, our
first priority is to capture him.
But after that.
If we could produce the cure
It 'd be nice to have.
- Wouldn't it be very dangerous?
- Some risks are worth taking.
Who would decide who gets the cure
and who doesn't?
I would, John.
I would.