having been conducted
at Sweden's Lintzerpein University.
I guess we can move on.
Let's turn to Natalie Connors.
Natalie Connors, 15 years old.
Hair blonde, eyes brown.
Likes horses-preferably Arabians -
pistachio ice cream, turquoise jewelry,
and TS Eliot.
Learn everything you can about
this girl. I want you to get close to her.
That's my mission?
I have to get close to her?
Yes. Insinuate yourself into her life.
It is imperative you find out what
her father and E.R.I.S. are planning.
We'll help.
We've placed you in all of her classes.
All of them? Isn't that a little creepy?
We're the CIA, that's what we do. Right?
You want me to become her boyfriend?
It's simple. Natalie has a birthday soon.
Her father's throwing a party.
The first step is to get invited
to that party.
And be careful. This is not secret agent
little league any more.
This is the show, Mr. Banks,
and this is showtime.
If you can't handle it,
you just tell me now.
You can count on me.
Attention. Rocket launch test.
I know it's tempting
but don't touch anything.
Four, three,
two, one.