What a freak.
...two and divide by x minus two
and we'll end up with...
Natalie Connors. Way out of your league.
...point 4968. Any questions?
Driver's Ed.
- Oh, my God. Are you gonna go?
- Yeah, it's gonna be great.
- Uh-oh, here comes horse guy.
- Good luck.
Hey. You got Driver's Ed too?
What's the deal?
You're in every one of my classes.
I guess great minds think alike.
Great, we've got Mr. Yip.
He doesn't pass anybody.
Look, if you don't pass,
I'm sure your dad can drive you around.
It's because of my dad
that I need a license.
- So you can drive him around?
- No, so I can drive me around.
- Why, is he busy with something?
- Yeah.
He's always doing
some kind of experiment.
- Like a scientific experiment?
- Yeah, he's a scientist.
- Cool! With microscopes?
- You're getting weird again.
Good afternoon, children.
Driving is a privilege, not a right.
I'd be delighted to instruct you
in operation of motor vehicle.
But, I have a larger responsibility
to protect society at large
from the idiots
and the drug-addled delinquents
who call themselves...
the youth of today.
You name Miss Connors?
Yeah? You first!
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!