I'm just making an observation.
I watched the two of you laughing...
- and happened to notice.
- Actually, we were talking about you.
I'll take that as a compliment.
So, what's up with you
and what's his name? Stubb?
- That guy, Strobe? Strubb?
- Straub.
It's none of your business.
- What are we gonna talk about?
- I don't want to talk about anything.
I want you to do whatever it is you
have to do and get out as soon as you can.
Do you have any idea what we're doing?
You're wearing bathing suits
and growing corn.
Everything's always a joke with you, isn't it?
We've made a breakthrough in genetics
that'll put us in the running for a Nobel.
For the first time in my life
I'm part of something truly significant.
I'm sorry.
You're always sorry. Then it always
turns into jokes and innuendos.
That's not gonna happen.
How did you squeeze
this kind of money out of NASA?
They're obsessed with selling Congress
on planetary colonization.
Agrigenetics is one of the first steps.
A lot of this came from your SETI labs
after NASA pulled the plug on the funding.
It's impressive.
Almost as impressive as your cornfield.
What do you really think
is in that block of ice?
I'm sorry for what I said.
I know how much your work meant to you.
You look good.
What do we know about this Julian Rome?
37 years old. Both parents deceased.
Killed in an automobile accident.