Look at that fool there.
Probably listening to that loud rock stuff.
Junk, it's all junk.
I don't know. I mean...
rock music's got some good qualities.
It isn't jazz or nothing, but you know...
Say, when are you gonna bring me in
some of those good records?
- Some Nat King Cole with strings.
- I don't got any of that, Mr. Boats.
Yeah, you got that.
You're keeping them at home, though.
You won't turn loose the good stuff.
You just sell the junk.
I keep the stuff I wanna keep.
I sold a lot of good material
by people that he didn't like.
Mr. Boats didn't like any blues
or anything like that.
He played classical violin.
I started record collecting
when I was 15 or 16 years old.
I started getting interested in jazz.
Prior to that, I collected comic books.
I was always a collector.
I admit to having
an obsessive-compulsive quality in me.
It's like The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
or something.
You go to thrift shops
and you go to the garage sales...
because you think you're gonna find
something that's real rare.
And most of time, it's a total waste of time,
but once in a while...
you'll come up with something
that'll whet your appetite.
In the early '60s...
I was with some buddies at a junk sale,
looking for some choice sides...
when I met this shy, retiring cat
from Philadelphia named Bob Crumb.