It was right after my wife left me.
She got so mean to me at the end...
like I tried to keep her captive
or anything like that.
I don't know, man.
But don't think
I'm buying any of this growth crap, man.
Everybody's always talking about
how bad experiences cause you to grow...
and all that cliched stuff.
Man, I got enough bad experiences
and growth to last me plenty.
Right now...
I'd be glad to trade some growth
for happiness.
How long you staying in Cleveland, man?
I don't know,
I got to see this chick in New York...
and I'm really busy
with the comic book stuff.
It's good bread and all.
I'm just getting sick of the whole scene.
What are you talking about?
You make a good living
doing your art, right?
How many guys get that lucky in their life?
Listen, I'll tell you something.
People are starting
to know the name Crumb.
When you croak, man,
you're gonna leave something behind.
Yeah, I guess.
It's not like I'm Blind Lemon Jefferson,
or Big Mama Thornton.
Come on, man.
I tell you something,
it sure beats working a gig like mine...
being a nobody flunky
and selling records on the side for $1.
Well, that's true.