American Splendor

How smart is she?
I don't know. I guess she's about average.
Average? Hey, man, average is dumb.
So what if she's dumb? I don't care.
"Hey, man, average is dumb."
Fuck that. That's all stories by yours truly.
- Hot off the presses?
- That's right.

We have a regular Hemingway here.
No way, I don't go in
for any of that macho crap.

I didn't know you could draw.
No, I don't draw, doc. I write the stories.
- Harvey, am I in here?
- You're in there, all right? Take it easy.

A buddy of mine and some of his friends
do the art work.

Let me see this.
Mr. Boats, it's not polite to grab things.
Next time...

It's not bad.
Son, you done good.
But you know, I was up in Toronto
a few weeks back.

I saw the Red Chinese ballet.
Now, that was beautiful.

The way those people
were dancing together...

those Chinese, they work hard, I tell you.
Where's everybody going?
Where are you sick men rushing off to?
You ain't going nowhere for now.
Probably not for a long time.
But damn if they're not a rushing off
to get there.

Harvey, how do your co-workers and friends
feel about you putting them in your comics?

They love it. They can't get enough of it.
