- Chocolate jelly beans, I'm gonna try one.
- Go ahead.
Excuse me, can I help you?
Give me...
two crullers...
jelly doughnut with the powdered sugar.
Thanks for coming.
- You got any of that day-old bread?
- I think so.
Here you go.
You're Harvey Pekar?
Alice Quinn, from school.
College, yeah.
We had a couple of Lit classes together.
What happened to you?
You disappeared after two semesters.
Yeah, I know.
I got good grades and all,
but there was that required Math class...
hanging over my head.
Eventually, the pressure
got to be too much, so...
You're doing okay, anyway.
I heard all about
your jazz reviews and your comics.
- You did?
- Sure, you're famous.
Meanwhile, I got my degree
and I'm just a plain old wife and mother.
I'm not doing as great as you think.
My second wife divorced me,
I work a dead end job...
as a file clerk.
Sometimes I hang out
with the guys on the corner...