No, that's all right.
It's a nice day, I'll just walk.
It was nice seeing you.
When I got home,
I finished reading Jennie Gerhardt.
It was real good. That Alice was right.
Sure, Lester, the main character,
croaks in the end...
but at least he's old
and dies a natural, dignified death.
I was more alone that weekend than any.
Sometimes in my sleep,
I'd feel a body next to me...
like an amputee feels a phantom limb.
All I did was think about Jennie Gerhardt
and Alice Quinn...
and all the decades of people I had known.
The more I thought,
the more I felt like crying.
Life seemed so sweet and so sad...
and so hard to let go of in the end.
But hey, man,
every day is a brand new deal, right?
Just keep on working
and something's bound to turn up.