"Dear Joyce, thanks for the letter.
"What do you do besides selling comics?"
Anybody in the room ever done
any creative writing of any sort?
"I'm a sometime activist,
and I teach writing to prisoners.
"I try to help them build an interior life...
"and make art out of
their monotonous, suffocating routine."
This sounds familiar.
"So you married or what?"
"I'm divorced, thank God."
Look, I think you and I
got a lot in common, you know?
How am I gonna get you
to come visit me in Cleveland?
- Cleveland?
- Yeah.
You think that's a good idea?
It's a great idea.
You should meet me
because I'm a great guy.
Despite the way my comics read...
I got a lot of redeeming characteristics.
I don't know. Where would I stay?
I don't know. With me.
Don't worry.
I'm not gonna put no moves on you.
I'm not worried about that.
Hold on,
I just spilled my chamomile tea all over me.
So what are you worried about then?
It's the way all the different artists draw you.
- What?
- I don't really know what to expect.
Sometimes you look like a younger Brando.
But then, the way Crumb draws you...
you look like a hairy ape, with all these...
wavy, stinky lines undulating off your body.
I don't really know what to expect.
No, those are motion lines.
I'm an active guy.
Look, just come out here...
and I will try to be anyone
that you want me to be, okay?
That's a dangerous offer.
I'm a notorious reformer.