Pancakes from Duisburg.
They told my father:
"Advanced stage,"
which is like, "no chance."
And the insurance wouldn't pay.
So at 13 years old, you say:
"l'll be a doctor. I'll show 'em."
And a great doctor, you bastards.
We have to improve things.
Not everyone can afford private insurance.
-Young doctor always so nice thoughts.
-But then nice thoughts die...
and young doctors.
You mean the young doctors'
nice thoughts die.
Lee like nice thoughts...
and nice handsome doctors.
It's me, Fred.
I checked Benny's blood count.
He had an overdose of neurocholine...
and l'm sure he didn't inject it himself.
What do you mean, calm down?
Are you crazy?
Somebody planned his death.
We have to tell Charles and the others.
An opera.tion, a.t this hour?
Anybody there?
I'm really scared. Now come on out.
Very funny.
What the hell's going on?