...so wejust impla.nted...
a.n electrode
in the subtha.Ia.mic zona incerta...
a.n electrode
in the subtha.Ia.mic zona incerta...
a.nd thus interrupted the tremor
by electrica.I stimula.tion.
Tha.t mea.ns you did not use a.ny medica.tion.
Exa.ctly. The simplest solutions
a.re a.Iwa.ys the best.
It's already 1 1 :30.
That's enough for today.
Tha.nk you, Mr. Kersha.w.
It wa.s a. plea.sure to ha.ve you here.
And as for winning the Nobel Prize,
we'll get there ourselves!
Next week...
Valjean from the Sorbonne will be here.
And before the refreshments, brothers...
I would like to introduce you...
to Joachim Hauser.
He has an interesting theory
about the acetylcholine problem.
Maybe he'll give us a lecture soon.
A gifted young man!
Embarrassing, huh?
Charles is so sweet he doesn't even notice.
Hi. I'm Viktoria.
I'll introduce you to the group.
The research team.
Interns from various departments.
We work with Charles.
Hagen, plastic surgery...
Wulf, Conny and Alexandra, neurologists...
Kurt, orthopaedics, Sven, neurosurgery...
Gregor, our brilliant biomechanic...
and most important of all,
anaesthesia and biochemistry.
Have a seat.
I'm Jo Hauser, Ward 6.
Oh God, Schinder and his lot.
A fresh neurosurgeon in the Lodge.
We can finally get rid of him!
Age Acta.bile Antihippocra.te.
"Do the possible."
I thought they had disappeared.
Or were outlawed.