the natural ones as well. We call it the CNE:
Centra.I Neurologica.I Enha.ncer.
We can externally control...
and synchronise muscles and synthetics.
Turn it to maximum speed.
It's pretty funny.
Here is the chemical analysis.
You can see that we still need...
to add muscle-stimulating hormones.
Raise the endorphins to 2.1 units...
and adrenalin to 1 .4.
We'll do the normal training routine.
You know the drill, Wulf.
What do you think?
You will revolutionise--
That's not what l meant.
Where do you want a synthetic implant?
I mean...
is it possible...
And can l fly afterwards?
My name is Joachim Hauser,
born November 27, 1974.
I declare that l am sound of mind...
and l request the calf operation...
although it is not medically necessary.
It's a.Il top secret!
But it's completely new. A revolution!
Will it heal anyone?
It's resea.rch.
You can't do everything
with Hula-Hula medicine.
Now we connect the CNE with
the tra.ctus corticospina.Iis. Please, Hagen.
This is my one big chance
to play in the big league.
we take away this one.
I've heard it all before.