All right.
If you can deliver us usable results.
You'll play soccer together again.
Something like,
"l can't stand it, l have to end it."
And he talked...
about Benny.
The guy who also killed himself.
I feel so guilty.
But now the police?
For a suicide?
This is just routine--
it's not routine.
Sven Lemke wanted to
expose an Anti-Hippocratic conspiracy.
He wanted to give me proof
and even get someone from the Lodge--
Dr. Henning is from the...
federal police.
According to the statements,
Dr. Lemke was a suicide risk.
A typically overworked intern...
combined with psychological stress.
He was full of drugs.
There are no indications--
Do you like being here at the clinic?
Do you like it here?
-Dr. Henning, any further questions?
-No, thank you.
I'd say you can go, Dr. Hauser.
If you need anything at all,
feel free to come to me.
Hey, Dr. Jo!
It's great here!