...for 30 days.
But if you fail to strictly adhere
to the rules of his program...
...you will spend the next year
in state prison.
-Good evening. Ready to get it on?
Get what on?
What are you doing here?
Well, well, well.
The lair of the rage rhino.
I smell the effluvium
of pain and frustration.
-Where should we put my stuff?
-What stuff?
We've got 30 days
to control your anger.
My approach dictates
intense observation.
What better vantage point
than bunkmates?
Put that there, Dan,
thank you very much.
No. No. I'm sorry. Guys, I don't think
you should be moving in with me.
sit down, Dave.
Let's be perfectly clear about this.
You've been deemed
a threat to society.
I believe that radical,
round-the-clock therapy...
...is the only way to effect
a meaningful and positive change...
...in your behavior.
Now we can do it here
or Rikers lsland.
-Anything else, Dr. B?
-No thanks, Dan.
We'll install the wiretaps tomorrow.
-ls this your CD collection?
Oh, my.
What are you doing?
I don't want you listening
to any angry music.
The Carpenters are angry?
I mean....
Don't be naive, Dave.
"Close to You."
"We've Only Just Begun."
songs of madness and obsession.
Who's going to pay for that?
Retard your anger level a few notches
and listen to me. Can you do that?
Yeah. It's retarded. I'm retarded.
Now then, we need to go over
some ground rules.
My girlfriend got me that.