In Europe, it's not considered unusual
for three or four men to share a bed.
Yeah, well, that's why I'm
proud to be an American.
By the way....
I like to sleep in the nude.
You hear that frog?
What do you want?
I'm just recording your demeanor
upon awakening.
Good to see you got your underwear
back on.
I don't gotta be up till 7.
You've got to make my breakfast.
Dave, cooking is very relaxing
and therapeutic.
I want two eggs,
over easy and unfertilized...
...wheat toast, dry, and please...
...tell me you've got ketchup.
There's a Denny's down the street.
Not only do they have ketchup...
...but they got the angriest waitresses
I've seen.
You could have a blast with
the goosfraba thing down there.