See for yourself,
it's fine.
- Please.
- I don't have the time.
There goes my day.
The most insulting thing
was when my parents wanted
to talk without me listening.
They'd ask if
"Madam Estrea" was around.
They called me
Madam Estrea.
Madam Estrea was a nosy
old woman who'd walk around,
listen to people's stories
and tell them to everyone.
That's Nina,
my mother's little sister.
Nina is the love of my life.
She's the real
smart one in the family.
She's a book editor,
she helps writers.
The last two years were
the hardest years of her life,
and the hardest years
for the whole family.
Two days ago,
on the last day of his life,
my dad was called to come for
a talk with the school counselor.
She'd just come back from Senegal
after being bitten by a mosquito.
When this mosquito bites a normal
person they lie in bed for 6 months,