Asonot Shel Nina, Ha-

That's about Nina?
Is there a Nina?
His aunt. Alona's sister.
But maybe he just
made up a name.

That's what we're hoping.
Look, Amnon,

from what I read, this is
full of peeping descriptions.

How he and another friend
wander around at night,

peeping on women.
So I thought you should read it
and decide what to do.

It may be a figment
of his imagination,

a fictitious story. I hope.
It looks real.
Here's Alona, Haimon...
It's like a diary.
- Here's Nina.
- Nina is mentioned a lot,

from what I
browsed through.

Here, he wrote
about me too.

Things that happened
in our family.

Here's Nina and
Haimon's big fight.

You shit! You shit!
You can't just
run out on me!

- Nuni...
- Don't call me Nuni!

- Nina, calm down.
- You treat me like a dog!

- We had no choice.
- Excuse me...

I'll step outside...
- No, it's okay, stay here.
- Come on, we're going.

Going where?
- Home.
- I'm not going home with you.

What do you want from me?
Nina, we'll hurt each other,
I'm not going.

Molcho, please step outside.
I'd rather stay.
He asked me to stay...

Molcho, do me
a favor, get out.

Nina, I'm sorry,
he asked me to stay.

Did he ask you
to come on to me too?

Now you're just...
I never came on to her.
You're a fucking
depressive fatso.

I'm depressive?
You and all your friends,
you fucking loser, loser...
