If he gets him...
and the odds are greatly
in his favor that he will...
then we collect the whole thing.
Well, unless you set up
an impossible situation...
it's as good as done.
Yeah. What can I tell you?
He's the best.
Pleasure to meet you.
How's it going?
Let's go.
The car's right here.
What is your name?
My name? Miguel.
-Miguel? Nice to meet you.
-A pleasure.
-You speak Spanish.
-A little. Just a little.
So, what do you do
in the States?
I do many things.
What do you do?
What kind of business?
Right now, I do a little bit
of this, a little bit of that.
I do a few things,
this and that, myself.
Believe it or not, I own
a string of beautyl parlors.
I actually did some hair at one
time, if you can believe that.
You are joking?
What do you mean?
The beautyl parlors
are for men or women?
-No, for women.
-For women.
You have a girlfriend?
What do you mean by that?
Because you say, "l have
a beautyl parlor for men"...
do I have a girlfriend?
Of course I have a girlfriend.
-Of course I have a girlfriend.