In the seventies,
in the eighties...
some people did terrible things
in this country...
and our judicial system
did not punish them.
A strange immunityl
surrounds them.
They have power.
They have authorityl.
They are untouchables.
There's always two sides.
I don't get into politics.
You want to know my politics?
My politics is put the money
on the table, that's it.
I'm here to sightsee, relax...
look for prize fighters,
make new friends...
but we'll see about
this other thing as well, OK?
And remember this, if you would.
Nobody down here
has anything on me.
Nobody--you, you, you--nobody.
Not unless you find a weapon
in my hand and a dead body.
And that's not going to happen.
Nothing can be proved
if you can't prove anything...
so if this is going
to be done at all...
it's going to be done right,
and it's going to be my way.
I'm sure you understand that.
It's OK.
Ma'am...it was a pleasure.
The meal was excellent.
For me?
Your son?
Who died?
The poor thing.
Thank you. Good luck.
please take our guest
to the hotel.
Si, Hernando.
Nice meeting you, sir.
Both for my wife and myself...