Man, you really
looked like a warrior
Why did you drive away
a hot girl like that?
- That girl is strong
- What?
Clumsy awkward guys like us
would take the fall
- R~really?
- Yeah
Azumi, stop!
They're on our side
I am Hanjo of Iga
We came because
Lord Tenkai sent us
I heard many
rumors about you
They were incredible
Asano Nagamasa
Kato Kiyamasa
Thanks to you
killing those two...
We were able to
avoid a blameless war
You fulfilled your
mission successfully
That is sufficient
There is still one man left
Sanada Masayuki
We are too inadequate
to take Sanada down
He has hired
a killer ninja squad
They're called
the Uenokogashu