Bad Boys II

We gotta close this case
before it get her killed.

Yeah, no doubt.
You ready to go back to the station,
get our asses whupped?

I think we gonna be all right.
What's your job description?
No, you two.
What is your job description?
I'll tell you.
Tactical Narcotics Team.
Keyword: "tactical."
"Displaying finesse and subtlety
in achieving a goal!"

Tell me, gentlemen...
...what was subtle about your work

Twenty-two cars...
...and a boat, totaled?
How did you sink a boat?
We didn't sink it.
All right, the positive.
Thank God no cops died.

The negative: I got a police
commissioner so far up my ass...

...if he spits it's coming out
of my mouth.

But I know that there's
always two sides to a story.

So, what's yours?
Well, I was at a family barbecue.
We got a tip that the Zoepounders...
...were gonna do a hit on cash or
drugs from this big-time X-Man.

That's what they call
a ecstasy dealer on the streets.

Marcus, I know what they call them.
That's why I'm captain. It's cool.
So you got the drugs.
No drugs. Oh, okay. All right.
How about the money?

- No money.
- Nope.
