Zoepounders knew exactly when
to hit the drop, where to hit the drop...
...so we figure they know
where the cash is.
We find the cash, we find the X-Man.
Hey, I'm through playing games,
all right? I have three cops critical.
I got kids dying on my streets
from souped-up X.
I do not want these animals
taking over my city.
Do you understand?
So I want you guys to do whatever you
do, whatever it takes, but do it now.
It's not good, boss.
Oh, my God.
Fucking ratones eating
my fucking money.
Carlos, this is a stupid
fucking problem to have.
But it is a problem nonetheless.
Rat fuckers.
Rat fuckers.
Boss, it ended up crazy.
This black chica working for the
Russians was a maniac lunatic.
She saved your money.
She wasted some Haitians
and got the load to the drop.
Also, Roberto saw these two
crazy gangbanger homeys.
- Oh, shit.
- Yeah. Chasing and shooting.
Old days, did I have
this problem? No.
Just fly the drugs in
and ship the money out.
Now American security's
so goddamned tight over the water...
...and in the sky...
...that the rats eat my money
before I can get it to Cuba.
- You see?
- Fiery crash...
I can't even get my money across town
without making the news.
Hey, man. Man.
Tell me...
...should I be worried?
- No, boss.
- Shut the fuck up.
People is trying to jack my loads
here in Miami.
I own this fucking town. You see?
This is my town.
Oh, my God. Pink.