Yeah, baby.
Hey, Tiffany, you want to play
"Hide the Nazi" one day?
God damn it.
Here you go, sweetie.
I got something
for your pretty ass.
-You do?
Wow. $5.
I gotta listen to my messages,
and you need to take a shower.
I'm a dancer.
I sweat.
Yeah, well, you smell like
a bum's nut sac.
Fuck you.
Message one.
Mr. Soke?
This is Andrew Kaplan again,
from the collection agency.
Message two.
This is Dolores Axelrod.
You ran into my car last week.
I called State Farm,
but they have no record
of any insurance policy for you.
In case you misplaced it,
my phone number is 4 --
Message three.