What the fuck?
I am not gay.
-What the hell, buddy?
I said I am not gay.
Are you off your fucking meds
or something?
But that isn't
what this is about.
You're as queer as a $10 bill.
Let me tell you something,
My brother lost a goddamn arm
fighting you fuckers in Vietnam.
So I want you to look at my face
one last fucking time.
This is the last thing you're
ever gonna see before I --
Elf fucker!
-Turn around, elf fucker.
Who's the bitch now,
Santy Claus? Huh?
Faggy Claus!
Leave Santa alone!
Little boy, don't interfere.
I am doing this for all of us.
Leave Santa alone!
Ass clown.
Hey, you're that kid.
What the fuck are you
doing here?
This one fucking time
I take you home, okay?
I'm not your fucking dada.
It's not like you helped me
with that nutjob or anything.
-You're the right height.
You're right there
to grab his balls.
-You could twist them.
-Why do you need a car?
-This car.
Which turn is it?
Sage Terrace.
Where's your sleigh?
It's in the shop,
getting repaired.
-Where are the reindeer?
-I stabled them.
Is it left or right?
That way.
Where's the stable?
-Next to the shop.
-How do they sleep?
Who? The reindeer?
Standing up.
But the noise.
How do they sleep?
-What noise?
-From the shop.