Time for the morning walk...
Good morning!
Where are the others?
Fast asleep
''Wake up, O traveller.
Dawn has...''
l've been shouting and shouting.
Can't you walk a bit slowly?
''How are you, Ram Avtar...?''
But you said you weren't in the habit
of waking up early
''Yes, l did.
But how can l help it...?''
The way you shout up
early in the morning...
you wake up the whole neighbourbood.
And l live right behind your house
''Oh yes, you do''
You are the one who has
given me the house on rent
The landlord. You can evict me
any time you wish to
''l'll vacate the house, if you insist.
- Now look...''
don't ruin my mood early in the day.
You call yourself my brother...
and now you play with my emotions?
Like hell you'll vacate the house!
''Of course!
One day, l'll vacate your house''
Let's see!
Sat Sri Akal!
- Sat Sri Akal
lt's time you found another excuse
to start a fight
l've been listening to it for
25 years and l'm bored stiff
''Am l wrong, Tito?''
Why do you take the donkey out
for a walk everyday?
What rubbish! Tito's not a donkey.
lt's a dog!
lt was your dog
l put the question to!
There! He had the last word!
''Never mind, Ram Avtar.
l'll fix our friend tomorrow''