''you are my friend,
you are my confidante''
Alok! My son!
''My respects, father.
- May you live a hundred years''
Talk to your mother.
She badly wants to talk to you
''Hello, mother. My respects''
l pray to God that you
keep smiling forever...
and forever be together
Your studies are over now.
When are you coming to lndia?
We miss you so much.
- l miss you all too
''With your blessings, l've found
a very nice job here''
l'm trying to get a transfer to
lndia in a month or two
That's wonderful! Come back soon
We'll find a pretty girl
and get you married to her
Why're you laughing?
- l've found the girl already
Found her...?
lt's for you to decide
whether she's pretty or not
So send us a photo quickly.
What's her name?
l've sent the photographs.
You could receive it tomorrow
''Her name is Arpita, mother
- Lovely name''
''Thanks, mother.''
''Good bye, mother''
l could at least muster the courage
to talk to mother and father
And what if your parents
don't approve of me?
Will you still marry me?
They are the folks who picked
up an orphan from the streets...
and took him to the stage
where l stand today
''They're my Gods, Arpita''
lt's true that if they had
turned down this marriage...