l wouldn't have gone ahead with it.
lt's also true...
that l wouldn't ever have
married all my life
But l'd love you all my life.
l promise you
lt's just this trait of yours
that makes me love you so much
''Whether we get married or not,
l will always belong to you''
The kids' arrival really
livened up things
You have given me
very lovable children
''l gave you the children, yes.
But it's you who made them lovable''
Have they gone to bed?
- Yes...
Anju and Karan are
sleeping in our room
Sanjay and Rohit?
- ln the room downstairs
Where's the poor bachelor Karan?
Karan's sleeping in the hall
with Rahul and Payal
That's all right...
but where are we going to sleep?
We...? Come with me
We're going to sleep here.
- Here...?
''Why? lsn't it good enough?
- Oh no, it's first-class''
''People unnecessarily go to
places like London, Paris...''
New York and so on
for their honeymoon
This is a great place
And where is your pillow?
- Mine?
Here it is
You will never improve either
''We must leave now, dad.
We had a great time''
When are you coming again?
On Diwali?
But Holi's coming up before Diwali.
- Oh yes! For Holi!