
''The down payment.
- Yes, right''

He's hesitating to tell you.
- Hesitating to tell me?

''What happened, dad?''
l'm very angry with you.
- Angry? What...

What you have done
is very bad

''Dad, l was only...
- Sit down''

''Now tell me, since when has your
Mummy been coming between you and me?''

''lf there's anything you need,
you must tell me...''

why hesitate in telling me?
''Dad, l thought maybe you will...''
''My son, l am your father.
And as long as l live...''

my children need not worry
about anything

Go to Delhi without a worry.
The money will follow you there

''Don't you want to have breakfast?
- Sure, dad''

''lt's this loan of 50,000 that you've
sought against your gratuity''

''Do you realise, there will be nothing
left in your account after this?''

There's no question of turning down
a sincere employee like you

But you're a friend too
And you have always encouraged people
to invest wisely for the future

But you haven't thought
of your own future

''Whatever you have earned, you have
spent in meeting your children's needs''
