sadness in my heart.
Only sadness in my heart.
I think it was August 5.
They tried to hiijack the ferry.
They had knives, even a grenade.
They ran out of fuel.
Water! Fuel!
They didn't know there
was a reserve tank at the bottom.
The Cuban Coast Guard
intercepted them at sea.
When the people on the shore...
heard the ferry
had been stopped...
they took to the streets.
I'd never in all my life...
seen people react that way in Cuba.
From then on,
many things happened.
Long live Fidel!
We will instruct
our border patrols...
not to stop boats...
that want to go to the United States.
This street belongs to Fidel!
Throw the traitors out!
Get out of here!
Get out! Get out!