Our first night
in Miami meant a lot
but nothing happened.
Actually, we were frightened,
by so many pretty things.
We're going to...
That's after New York.
They told you
that's a good place?
She said there'd be work there.
And that they pay well too.
Okay, how are you?
Pleased to meet you.
My name is Sofia,
from the Catholic Conference.
I'm here to inform you
about the program.
There are no ijobs here in Miami
and we can't offer you
that program
we have in various dioceses
in the United States.
As soon as you get there,
They give you an apartment,
get you a ijob.
They will be the family...
you don't have here.
You can play basketball.
I've played enough.
They earn good money.
Let me tell you:
You're all going to
San Antonio, Texas.
It's a beautiful city,
with lots of jobs.
You're going to Paterson,
New Jersey,
where there are a lot of jobs.
You'll be near the Big Apple,
as they call New York.