The brain fails and you fall into
a hepatic coma
You become a totally
different person
The language becomes really
vulgar, nothing but filth...
And you become incredibly strong...
Mt. Jangbaek
The bloody stains
running through the Yalu river
The bloody stains
Upon the bouquets of
the liberated Chosun,
Shines the holy stain
Thy name we yearn for,
General Kim Ilsung
The bloody stains slicing through
the snowy winds of
the Manchurian plains
Don't you even suggest
I should move in with you
From now on, I'm planning
to live free as a butterfly
Do as you wish
don't even think of touching
the funeral contributions
Don't worry mother
All my life, I've been so
unfair to myself
I've been so stupid...
Choose! Everything goes
except for this
Doesn't grandpa have any siblings?