This establishes
some sort of bond of trust.
I don't wanna play games with you...
...so I say we take a break. Okay?
And get you another donut.
You see if you wanna talk anymore.
-"Deep-fry your ass"?
-You set me up.
I believe somebody owes me 1 0 bucks.
You could have told me
what you were planning.
Everybody knows good cop-bad cop.
By admitting it,
I could gain his trust.
-You think he did it?
-No, sir.
What about the rest of my people?
In 5 1/2 hours, it'll be out of our hands.
I'm gonna have a lot to answer for.
I'd appreciate it if you could get me
some of those answers.
-Why did you ask for a Ranger?
-I'm not telling you what happened.
Why don't you tell us about the others?
Tell us about the course.
Tell us about Sergeant West.
Is he still the same prick?
I do not care
that you are triple volunteers.
I do not care
that you think you are hard.
And I especially don't give a rat's fuck
what four-star general's dick...
...you sucked to get the privilege
of being able stand before me today.
Those of you I deem unworthy
will not remain.
Is that understood?
Can I get a "Hoo-ha, sergeant"?
Hoo-ha, sergeant!
Those of you I find lacking will quit.
And those of you who refuse to quit
will have a training accident.
This base suffers
three training accidents a year.
Unfortunate accidents that I will not
hesitate to repeat...
...if you cross me. Is that understood?
-Give me a "Hoo-ha, sergeant."
-Hoo-ha, sergeant!
-And what's your name?
-Sergeant, my name is Pike, sergeant.
Pike, surrender your sidearm
for inspection.
What the fuck are you doing?
Have you lost your fucking mind?