-Eleven hundred, sergeant.
-Eleven hundred what?
Meters per second, sergeant.
Take 40% of that
and multiply it by the exact number...
...of each animal Moses
took with him on the Ark.
-Come on.
Come on. You tired, Mr. Pike?
Too tired to think?
Zero, schmuck.
Moses wasn't on the Ark.
Have you lost it?
Well, tell me this.
What is your weapon?
Your weapon, man. Your weapon.
What keeps you alive
and makes the other guy die?
What is your weapon?
It's your brain, Mr. Pike.
Your noggin. Your noodle.
Your smarts. Your gray matter.
Your poise under fire.
Your wits, when all about you
are losing theirs.
I think you came to this party
unarmed, Mr. Pike.
Take off your pack.
Take it off.
Here, I'll help you. Come on.
You can't complete this march
without a pack, Mr. Pike.
I suggest you go back and get it,
even if it takes 40 days and 40 nights.
That business bothered
a lot of the guys...
...even Mueller, who was a redneck
you felt uncomfortable sleeping around.
Dumb shit.