Yeah. We're busy as hell too.
Packing up supplies...
...getting ready for the move stateside.
Who'd have thunk it?
Pete Vilmer, bettering society.
Shall we see Kendall
or would you like to continue...
...the backslapping
for a couple of minutes?
Now if I were a smart man,
and I am not...
...I could come to the conclusion
that you two saw each other socially.
Oh, I've seen you around
the base before, but...
...well, are you in the Army or...?
Coast Guard.
We're worried about Florida beaches.
Oh, I've seen you before.
You were in the newspaper.
You're that DEA agent
with friends in low places.
Oh, the price of fame.
We were wondering if you'd
answer a few questions for us?
Oh, no. I'm really fatigued.
I feel all drugged-up.
Our collective hearts weep.
Well, we just wanna know
what happened out there.
Oh, you wanna know what happened?
Well, there are degrees of truth, captain.
You know, there are always degrees
and things are not what they seem.
You know, this is--
It is too late and I am too tired
to give a shit...
...about some pissant lieutenant's
bad version of intrigue.
You're trying too hard, Levi.
You know how I can tell?
Because you're sweating,
and you're sweating...
...because you don't know
how much Dunbar told us already.
Excuse me.
-Those were kid gloves?
-I thought I did pretty well up till the end.
You mean when you yelled
at him and walked out?
Well, that would be the end, yeah.
We'll play it differently when we go back.
Go back? We just blew it.
-I thought you didn't have any cigarettes.
-I lied.
-Will you just wait? Just wait.
-For what?
Excuse me. A patient is asking for you.