Shall we?
My father is what you would call
a very powerful man.
-So we've heard.
-Oh, come on, you know...
...you don't know the half of it.
I mean....
You know, all my life he's made me
feel weak and insignificant.
Yeah, I think that is reason why I joined
the military in the first place.
And how is that going for you?
Oh, it's horrible.
I fucking hate the military.
You're terrified of him, aren't you?
No, no, we just hate each other.
You know, and normally he wouldn't
lift a finger to do anything for me...
...but the one thing he cannot
stand is a scandal...
...and you know, a joint chief...
...with a homosexual son in the military
definitely qualifies as scandal.
Well, that blows "Don't ask,
don't tell" out of the water.
So is this family history lesson
coming to a point?
About four months ago,
I began a relationship with a local...
...and my father decided to
intercede. And Colonel Styles...
...made the incident quiet.
But according to my father...
...transferred me into
West's training course.
And, you know, West just hated that.
He made sure everyone
knew where I was and all that.
Couldn't kick you out so he
wanted you to quit on your own.
Well, he wanted more than that.
More intrigue, Levi?
I swear to God, you will swim the
canal! The teams are as follows...
Dunbar and...