Let's do it.
That's Fernand Zadir. He's got
half the local police in his pocket.
The other half likes eating here
too much to bust him.
Who's that girl?
Her name is Lena.
She works for someone rather big.
Well, let's find out how big.
I want to talk to your boss, huh?
Please, sit down.
What can I do for you?
I was wondering if you could
pass on a message for me.
- Who to?
- To the Abu Karaf.
What business have you got
with them?
Probably none, but some say
they had something to do...
...with the kidnapping of my daughter.
- Are you sure?
I'm not sure at all, but I thought
we should meet...
...and straighten things out.
Well, that is very unfortunate...
...but I'm afraid I cannot be
of any help.
Pass on the message.
- Hey, Fitch. How you doing?
- Jake, how are you?
- All right. How are you doing?
- All right. Lulu, come here.
I'm gonna get you laid if it kills me.
It's not what I had in mind.
What do you got?
I've got a guy coming in
from Singapore...
...says he did business
with the Abu Karaf.
- When's he coming in?
- Says he's busy. Two days.